Adult Discipleship


Mission: To help men live Christ-centered lives in the home, at work, and in the community. Being a man of God is hard work and we long to see men connecting with other men to encourage each other along the way, to live lives worthy of Jesus Christ.


Adult Bible Fellowships (ABFs) are classes on Sunday morning for instruction in God’s word. Classes are designed to nurture relationships around biblical truth through teaching, discussion and application.


 Mission: To help women live Christ-centered lives in the home, at work, and in the community. We know the demands on women are never-ending, and we long to see women connecting with other women to encourage each other along the way, to live lives worthy of Jesus Christ. The women regularly gather for service projects, game nights, and holiday events. Bunco night and Sweet Connections Cafe happens every other month most of the year and offers a great time to connect and have fun. 


To help singles of all ages connect and grow in thier faith together. Various events are offered ranging from studying how to celebrate and honor God in singleness, to monthly lunches, and social activities. Open to all singles. 

Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF)

New studies will be featured on our event page as they begin.

9am 1st Hour


ROOM 301-302 || This class covers various studies through the Right Now Media library, currently going through the  Harmony of the Gospels – Life of Jesus. The progress of Jesus’ life from the recording of his presence at the temple at 12 years old through to his return to the Father will be discussed, using the Gospels as references.


ROOM 305 ||Starting Feb. 9th during 1st hour this class will explore biblical principles for personal finances. We will expose myths of debt and money management, saving money, paying off debt and preparing for the future.


ROOM 306 || This is a 6 week class starts March 9th and takes a deeper dive into intentional, gospel-centered grandparenting. If you are familiar with the Grandparent ABF from last year, this one is new material. 

10:45am 2nd Hour


ROOM 304 || This class provides a New Testament Overview with approximately one book of the New Testament covered each week.


ROOM 301-302 || Starting September 1st during 2nd hour, The Gospel Project will begin an ongoing, chronological, Christ-centered study that continuously traces the need for redemption through the Biblical story. This class is open to all adults who want to go deeper into the main themes of the Bible, but also serves as a way for parents to study the same material as the weekly children and youth lessons.

(727) 799-4444

2897 Belcher Rd, Dunedin, FL 34698

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